
[//pfungcollects//] is founded by patty fung. I’m a self-taught documentarian, doodler, plant hanger maker and (as the name might hint) collector.

I’m interested in experimenting with different mediums to produce stories about everyday things and to make your day happier through silly drawings or creating a fun piece for your plant to safely hang in. I hope that you will learn something helpful or new whether it’s the information featured in the content or the methods in which to use sound and image. Thank you for joining me on my ever changing adventures :)

My original background is in environmental studies with a B.A. and a minor in education graduating summa cum laude from The University of California, Santa Cruz. You’ll find some of my content connecting back to my early curiosities about earth systems and urban development.


Feel free to send job inquiries, comments, suggestions, story ideas, ideas for collaboration to pfungcollects@gmail.com or connect socially @pfungcollects

(If you would like to use any photographs or video, please contact me first at the e-mail address on this page. The author of this website does not endorse any of the advertisement content generated by WordPress.com that may appear)

*photographs: left shot by a student at Ecole Coeur des Jeunes du Cap-Haitien school, middle by Joanne Barratt, right by Gary Holl